Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Precious illusions - Alanis Morrisette

you'll rescue me right? in the exact same way they never did..
I'll be happy right? when your healing powers kick in

you'll complete me right? then my life can finally begin
I'll be worthy right? only when you realize the gem I am?

but this won't work now the way it once did
and I won't keep it up even though I would love to
once I know who I'm not then I'll know who I am
but I know I won't keep on playing the victim

these precious illusions in my head did not let me down when I was defenseless
and parting with them is like parting with invisible best friends

this ring will me yet as will you knight in shining armor
this pill will help me yet as will these boys gone through like water

but this won't work as well as the way it once did
cuz I want to decide between survival and bliss
and though I know who I'm not I still don't know who I am
but I know I won't keep on playing the victim

these precious illusions in my head did not let me down when I was a kid
and parting with them is like parting with a childhood best friend

I've spent so long firmly looking outside me
I've spent so much time living in survival mode

llegó el turno para la querida Alanis. Me encanta. Tengo toda su discografía, a medias comprada y a medias no...Me parece fascinante como persona y como artista.
En este vídeo se ve como muchas veces una mujer percibe una relación. Dignifica sucesos aportando un matiz romántico a su vida, crea imágenes en su cerebro para recordar al amado con dulzura. Cuando nos enamoramos solemos recrear un mundo propio donde los detalles cobran un especial sentido para nosotros.
Pero ya no existen los príncipes con caballos blancos, si es que acaso alguna vez existieron. No habrá nadie que nos recoja al cruzar un charco para que no nos mojemos los pies. Más bien al revés: Con mi marido siempre es la misma vaina de pelearnos por un solo paraguas (que por cierto es MI paraguas)y a veces me hace pasar por donde hay un super charco y ni siquiera se da cuenta.
No funciona el romance en los tiempos actuales, las cosas han cambiado mucho. Pero seguimos aferrándonos a una idea romántica de las relaciones, vete a saber por qué.


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